Does everyone else find life this hard?
Ever wished you could have this newsletter read to you while you recline on the couch with an uncomfortably large bowl of grapes?
Is the gentle scrolling of your thumbs over your phone-screen just a little too much like exercise for 10.30 on a Monday morning?
Then do I have some news for you. This week’s dose of feelings is happening IN YOUR EARHOLES PEOPLE!
Introducing, the Big Feels Club Podcast.
I'm listening...
🔊Feelings in stereo 🔊
We launched our first worldwide ‘book club for feelings’ last week.
As part of the book club, we made a special little podcast featuring me, Honor, and a bunch of other Big Feels Clubbers talking about our first topic:
Does everyone else find life this hard??
We’ve gotten such good feedback, we’ve decided to make this podcast available far and wide.
Or search 'Big Feels Club' in your podcast app. We're cooking up a few more audible feelings experiments to put out, so watch that space. Meanwhile...
This book club is going off!
(Has anyone ever written that sentence before?)
We made a private wee Facebook group for the book club, where people can unpack what's in the podcast. It’s been live for a week and HOLY WOW IS IT GOING OFF IN THERE. We’ve had close to 200 of y’all in there, sharing your many good brainthoughts on this month’s topic: does everybody else find life this hard??
There are allllll sorts of deeeep, gooey, nourishing, gorgeous, intimate-in-that-way-you-can-only-be-with-strangers discussions going on in there, and threads tangenting all over the place in the best possible way.
Thank you to everyone who’s popped in, whether you’re adding your two cents or lurking politely.
Come one, come all, to the sacred feelingspace
It’s not too late to check out the discussion. If you listen to the podcast and think, ‘I want more!’, join the group with the link below.
You don’t need to sign up to the book club first. Now that we know this thing works, we’ve decided to remove a step so all Big Feels Clubbers access this sacred feelingspace.
Once you’re approved to join, check out this little post for a wee note on confidentiality and group vibes (and a bonus pic of Bodie the Big Feels Pooch).