Member Questionnaire

Oh god, a questionnaire? Do I have to??

Look, we get it. No one likes filling out things about themselves. (Or we secretly do, but then obsess over having a ‘good enough’ answer and the whole thing becomes a drag.)

But you know what? People tell us it feels pretty good to have a sense of who else is here with them in this little club for big feelings.

So we’d love to know just a little more about you, if you’re game? And to share whatever you’re comfortable sharing in our Members Directory, a little gallery visible only to other members.

It’s very optional, but here’s your chance to write a few words about yourself.

Check out other members’ answers here :)

Copy and paste the following questions into an email and shoot through your answers to, subject line: “I answered the questions! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!?!”

1. What name would you like to be known by?

First names only or full names are both fine. Real or fanciful, as you wish.

2. Where in the world are you?

Suburb, City, Country -- Just as much as you’re happy sharing.

3. Number 1 favourite activity when you’re feeling overwhelmed by life lately?

E.g. ‘a walk and a Tara Brach podcast’; or ‘a cup of Rooibos tea and some light Netflix’; or ‘brief, timed intervals of Crying on My Dog Therapy (CMDT)’

4. Favourite book / podcast / TV show / music about having big feelings?

Yes it’s fine if this changes by the month. Pick one, we won’t hold you to it?

5. Animal that best represents you or your feelings?

(Can be a type of animal: e.g. ‘The magnificent Sloth. Honestly he just gets to hang around all day, he is my hero…’ Or it can be a specific animal: E.g. ‘my dog Bodie, who may in fact be even more anxious than I am, which is... impressive?!’)

And also attach a photo for your profile…( .jpeg, .png, .jpg 5MB Max)

It can be a photo of yourself, or a picture of a beloved pet (or a picture of a beloved pet that you just found on google images). Or whatever you’d like!